Journey To Voltus B


  1. Ascending
  2. Slingshot
  3. Hypersleep
  4. Descending
  5. Welcome To Voltus
  6. The Powert Of The Atom (Winter Version)
  7. Nuclear Winter
  8. The Powert Of The Atom (Fusion Version)
  9. Nuclear Fusion

Release Images

Release Information

Key Value
Format Vinyl LP (Ecomix Vinyl)
Label Cosmic Dross Records
Catalog Number none
Notes Die B-Seite des limitierten Ecomix-Vinyls lässt sich auf zwei unterschiedlichen Rillen abspielen, die die beiden unterschiedlichen Enden enthalten. The record is pressed on Ecomix vinyl which uses the leftovers and reground offcuts from previous manufacturing runs. As well as reducing waste it also means that each record has a unique look with different effects, colours and marbles throughout the run.
Discogs URL Henge - Journey To Voltus B